SVP004 - Task Kreed
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strictly vinyl podcast 004: Task Kreed

Task Kreed: This set was recorded on a pair of Technics Mk2 turntables and Pioneer DJM600. It doesn't have any pre-defined ideas or pre-selected tracks, as I am always looking to select and mix records as the set develops. I am not bound to any specific music style or age, and I think this can be spotted in the set as well, where I tried to create a musical journey from the nowadays underground sounds to older records that are very close to my heart. Nevertheless, this is a musical set rather than a dancefloor one, as it was recorded on a relaxed mid-week evening, in my living room and in the company of a few very close friends. My passion for vinyl: undefinably strong!

release date: 2013-04-29
length: 01:08:34

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