SVP015 - Andre Kronert
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strictly vinyl podcast 015: Andre Kronert

Andre Kronert: My parents were music nerds and vinyl addicts. It was more disco and pop but wax surrounded me since I was born. My first vinyl were all kinds of fairy tales and later punk music, EBM, industrial. I started spinning vinyl almost 20 years ago and why I should stop things I love? I got my knowledge, my skills and I am just a nerd and wax addict now. For me the most important thing is to show what is possible with this black gold and how it sounds. Time is running fast, technology is running even faster and sometimes it is more important to slow it down and use the beloved things from the past to go into the future. However, I do not regard myself to be a moralizer for the analogue movement: In the end, its all about fun. And I have fun with vinyl!

release date: 2014-05-26
length: 01:03:14

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